Sunday 25 November 2012

jruby-18mode and 1.9 hash syntax

I have this pet sandbox project named kandic where I try myself at Ruby BDD while creating something worthwhile. I hooked up with travis and codeclimate for good measure too. Travis is set up to test against 4 different RVMs: 1.8.7, 1.9.3, jruby-18mode, jruby-19mode.

And here's the funny thing: as it turns out, the 1.9 hash syntax that was in the code that time properly creates parse errors on 1.8.7, but jruby-18mode can parse it.

I had the same problem with minitest dependency later, the jruby-18mode was happily crunching away.

Just a few things to watch out for if the target is 1.8, I guess.

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